Mission Board
- March Food Items: Taco seasoning, hard and soft shells
- America for Christ Offering
- Can and Bottle collection (tabs too) for Southpaw Lions Club. Please clean the bottles and cans before bringing them in (collection box downstairs next to nursery)
Guest Speaker Series: First Baptist Church is introducing a Guest Speaker Series featuring members & friends of FBC who would be responsible for: the Call to Worship, scripture, prayers & sermon. Laura Fisk will speak on Sunday, March 16th, and Ellen Sherman will talk on Sunday, March 30th. We strongly believe in the priesthood of all believers, and by doing this, we welcome many unique voices into our hearts and minds. If you would like to participate in our Guest Speaker Series, please get in touch with Laura Fisk at ljbproductions@gmail.com.
2025 Events:
- March 30: Guest Speaker, Ellen Sherman
- March 30: After worship - Food n Friends bagged lunches. Looking for volunteers to make sandwiches and deliver/hand out
- April 13: We Read (during service), Laura Fisk will read, The Leaf Detective by Heather Lang.
- April 19: Labyrinth Outing at 3 PM - The Emmanuel Garden and Labyrinth at 120 Nate Whipple Hwy, Cumberland, RI. See Melissa Jette or Laura Fisk for details.
- April 24: 1 PM, Blithewold Manor Tea. Please let ellen Sherman know by Monday, March 31st if you plan to attend (cost is $20 per person)
- April 27: The Second Congregational Church will be hosting the Attleboro Baby Shower this year. Contact Ellen Sherman if you are interested in attending.
- May 17 from 8 - 1, Spring Yard Sale (donate slightly used items - we cannot take computers, printers, monitors, baby cribs or high chairs). Please see Mary Miller or Pam St. Don with questions
- May 17 from 8 - 1, Plant Sale (along with the Yard Sale).
2025 Regular Ongoing Meetings:
- Iglesia Bautista Biblica - Sundays at 10:45 AM and 6 PM
- Deacons - Second Monday of each month at 5 PM
- Trustees - Third Wednesday of each month at 6 PM
- AA Big Book - Every Wednesday at 7-9 PM
- Linsey Woolsey Quilt Guild - Second Monday, 7 - 9:30 PM
Past Events:
- March 16: Guest Speaker, Laura Fisk
- March 16: We Read: Laura Fisk will read Planting Stories by Anika Aldamuy Denise
- March 19: Trustees Meeting at 6 PM
- March 1 from 11:30 - 1:30 PM: Chili and Soup Fundraiser. $10 for a bowl of soup, roll and cookie. Dine in or take out.
- February 2, 2025: Annual Meeting after service
- January 26: Congregational Meeting after service
- January 19: Wee Read Program during worship, Laura Fisk will read The Proudest Blue, by Ibtihaj Muhammad (Olympic Medalist)
- January 20: 38th Annual Commemoration of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr: Join the Rev. Dr. Marin Luther King Jr. Memorial Committee of Greater Attleboro for their annual commemoration event. The program entitled “It Starts with Me: Shifting the Culture Through Non-violent Action” will be held on Monday, January 20th. A municipal program will begin at 1pm at Attleboro City Hall followed by an interfaith service at 2pm at Centenary United Methodist Church. All are welcome.
- January 10: Annual Reports due to Chris Breese
- December 29: Food n' Friends Bagged Lunches: We'll be making lunches for Food n' Friends. Please sign up to make the lunches (and we need someone to deliver between 1 and 2 PM at Centenary United Methodist Church
- December 24: Christmas Eve Service 5 PM
- December 15: Peace in the Season Liturgy
- December 15: Wee Read, "A Gift Waiting to be Opened"
- December 18: Trustees Meeting 6 PM
- December 22: Pop-Up Christmas Pageant - everyone is invited to participate in this pop-up Christmas Pageant -- no rehearsals necessary!
- December 7: Christmas Concert 4 PM
- November 30: 9 AM Advent Decorating - join us to help in decorating the sanctuary for the season of Advent
- November 14: Nominating Committee meeting at 5:30 PM
- November 19: Church Council Meeting 6 PM
- November 20: Trustees Meeting 6 PM
- November 24: Wee Read Program, "Keepunumuk: Weeachumun's Thanksgiving Story", by Danielle Greendeer, Anthony Perry & Alexis Bunten, read by Andrea Twombly
- November 24: AAIC Thanksgiving Service at 3 PM, Murray Unitarian Universalist Church, 505 N Main St, Attleboro
- November 2: Fall Clean Up Day from 8 -12. Please come by to lend a helping hand
- November 3: Holiday Fair Set up (after service)
- November 4: Deacons Meeting 5 PM
- Beginning Sunday October 6 (and every Sunday in October) at 11:15 AM Sunday: "What's in a Worship Service? The Meaning Behind the Elements of Worship": As we begin our 2024-2025 program year together, we will be studying the hour we spend together in worship each week. Why aren't all worship services the same? How do we choose what to include in worship and why? Join Pastor Rebecca on Sunday mornings at 11:15am this Fall to explore and reflect on the ways our faith and theology, as well as our relationship to God and to each other are lived out through the elements of our worship service. Each week we will focus on a specific element of worship including lighting the altar candles, singing the Doxology and Gloria Patri, sharing prayer requests and passing the peace.
- October 20: Wee Read: "Listen: How Evelyn Glennie, A Deaf Girl Changed Percussion" by Shannon Stocker and read by Heather Ogilvie
- October 20: Fall Fair Meeting (after Worship Study Class)
- October 21: Craft Night at 6 PM
- October 28: Craft Night at 6 PM
- October 10: Craft Night 6 PM
- October 14: Deacons Meeting 5 PM
- October 16: Trustees Meeting 6 PM
- October 6: Lynn Schutt Memorial Service 2 PM
- September 29: Food n Friends bagged lunches prepared (after coffee hour). Looking for a volunteer to deliver the lunches between 1 & 2 to Centenary United Methodist Church and 7 volunteers to make the lunches.
- September 28: Perennial Plant Sale - 9 - 11 AM
- September 22: Wee Read Program, Janice Beck will read Books by Horseback by Emma Carlson Berne during worship service
- September 22: Fall Fair planning meeting after worship. All are welcome to attend!
- September 23: Monoprint Craft: The Holiday Fair will have a craft night on Monday, September 23rd at 6 pm. Laura Fisk will be teaching people to create monoprints for the Fair. All are welcome to join us in fellowship hall.
- September 25: Trustees Meeting at 6 PM
- September 15: Wee Read Program, Amarely Agustin will read, My Two Border Towns, by David Bowles
- September 15: Congregational Meeting (after service)
- September 15: Potluck Luncheon. Get ready for a fantastic event! We're hosting a potluck luncheon on September 15th, right after church service. We are calling on all members to join us and cast their votes on the proposed by-law change. Plus, we're inviting all church friends to participate in an engaging discussion on "The Future of the Church." It will be an excellent opportunity for the community to share their visions for the future. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Ellen Sherman or Mary Miller, who are co-chairing this exciting event and potluck.
- September 17: Church Council Meeting at 6 PM
- September 1: Worship returns to FBC at 10 AM
- September 4: Church Council & Trustee Meeting at 6 PM.
- September 9: Deacons Meeting at 5 PM
- July 9 AM: Rev. Dr. William Sencabaugh led worship service for both Second Congregational Church and First Baptist (at First Baptist). Livestream will still be accessible in real time in our First Baptist Church Group and then posted to our First Baptist Church, Attleboro Facebook Page. You can find that here: https://www.facebook.com/cbreese19.
- July 28: Taylor Swift Bracelets Craft: We are hosting a special event for friends of FBC and Second Congregational to create beautiful "Taylor Swift" bracelets for our Holiday Fair. If you're new and looking to connect with the general community at FBC, join us during coffee after church on July 28th. We'll have all the materials and instructions ready for you. If you have any questions or need more details, please get in touch with Laura Fisk
- August 9 AM: Rev. Rebecca W. Driscoll led worship services for both congregations at Second Congregational Church (50 Park Street) During the month of August when we worship at Second Congregational Church, the live stream can be found here: https://www.attleborosecondchurch.org/online-worship/.
- August 11: Wee Read Program - The book will be Books by Horseback by Emma Carlson Berne
- July 15: 6 PM. Holiday Fair Craft Night, making mini trees. All supplies provided.
- July 19: 11 AM, Memorial Service for Yvonne Ogilvie
- July 21: Wee Read, "How Big are Your Worries Little Bear", by Jayneen Sanders (read by Laura Fisk during the worship service)
- June 18: Church Council Meeting at 6 PM
- June 19: Trustees Meeting 6 PM
- June 20: Thursday, at 6:15, craft night for the Holiday Fair. Creating monoprints, all are welcome to join.
- Date Change: Will now be June 21 at 6:30 PM: Game Night, all are welcome!
- June 23: Fall Fair Meeting after service in parlor
- Support our crafters by donating or purchasing crafting items found on the "Wish List" in the narthex
- June 30: Making paper bag lunches for Food n' Friends after worship
- June 16: Wee Read Program during worship, "Henry's Freedom Box" by Ellen Levine
- June 2: Graduation Celebration
- Claudia Agustin: University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Christopher Beard: Rhode Island College
- Jeska Gobin: Lake Lure Classical Academy
- Charlotte McKenzie: Attleboro High School
- May 19: Wee Read Program: I Am The Subway by Kim Hyo-eun read by Laura Fisk during the worship service.
- May 19: Fall Fair meeting after church (in the parlor)
- May 19: 3:00 PM, Manabu Takasawa will be performing a Piano Solo Recital at FBC Attleboro. The tickets are $20 and will be available starting this Sunday. You can get them from Mary (at church) or call her at 717-433-3670. This concert was fantastic last year - you won't want to miss it.
- May 18: 4 PM, Worship Beyond Sunday Morning: Labyrinth Service. This time of worship on Saturday, May 18th at 4pm, will be an opportunity to walk the labyrinth in body and/or spirit. There will be a labyrinth for walking as well as some that we can trace with our fingers. During this time, we will learn the history of the spiritual practice of walking the labyrinth, explore a few different approaches to engaging with the labyrinth, and then have an opportunity to walk it in a way that is most comfortable for us."
- April 28: 1-5, Rebecca Bears will be hosting a free CPR class. Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex or email office@fbcattleboro.org
- April 21: The Wee Read Program continues with "Please Please the Bees" by Gerald Kelley (during worship service)
- April 22: 6 PM, Earth Day Worship. Join us as we give thanks and celebrate the joys of God's creation as well as reflect on how we can be good stewards of the earth. Weather permitting, we will worship outside.
- April 7: Sermon Series talkback after church to reflect on the Sermon Series "Relent. Restore. Renew"
- Wednesdays February 14 - March 27th: Lenten Study at 12:00 PM (lunch afterwards). We will be reading "Inspired: Slaying Dragons, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again" by Rachel Held Evans
- March 10, 17 and 24 from 9 - 9:30 AM in the parlor: Meet First Baptist: Are you interested in learning more about what First Baptist believes? Are you curious about ways to get more involved in congregational life? Are you contemplating what it might mean to become a member? Join Pastor Rebecca to learn more about First Baptist, its beliefs, and its fellowship opportunities.
- Thursday March 28: 7 PM Service of Tenebrae
- Friday, March 29: The sanctuary will be open from 12 - 3 PM on Good Friday
- March 31: 3Easter Sunrise Service at Capron Park at 6:15 AM (Newell Shelter)
- March 15: Board Game Night 7:30 PM: Join us on for games, food and non-alcoholic drinks. Please RSVP Laura at ljbproductions@gmail.com
- March 17: Laura Fisk will be taking our pictures for the new directory after worship service for anyone interested. You may also submit a photo you already have. The cost is $10 (cash, check & credit accepted). A sign-up sheet will be available March 10 to schedule your time.
- March 17: The Wee Read Program continued with Alexia Motley reading "When Marian Sang" by Pam Munoz Ryan
- January 21: The Wee Read Program continues with Laura Fisk reading The Undefeated by Kwame Alexander
- January 28: The Annual Meeting after worship
- February 14: Ash Wednesday worship service at 7 PM
Past 2023 Events:
- Rehearsal for the Christmas Concert every Sunday after worship (Christmas Concert is 12/9 at 4 PM)
- Each 3rd Sunday of the month will feature another book in the "Wee Read" series. A picture book that invites us to explore, learn about, and celebrate the diversity of God’s beloved community. Each month’s theme is loosely based on the heritage calendar. The congregation and community alike are invited to participate in this intergenerational event. December 17th during worship service as Laura Fisk reads The Night of Las Posadas by Tomie DePaola.
- December 2: Advent Decorating at 9 AM
- December 3rd (Sunday) at 3 PM (at Andrea Twombly's house): We will be discussing "Small Things Like These", by Claire Keegan. There are several copies available through the library system. This is a short easy read and well worth reading. All are welcome. If you have any questions, please contact Andrea Twombly.
- December 9, 4 PM: Annual Christmas Concert
- December 17, during worship: Peace in the Season The Advent and Christmas season is often called the happiest time of the year, but there are some years that do not feel as happy as others. There are lots of things in our lives that can take away from the merriment of the season. Join us in worship on December 17 as we pause for a moment of reflection during the Prayers of the People to acknowledge and lift up the spectrum of emotions we might be experiencing this time of year and to ask for God's peace to surround us in these days.
- November 19, 3 PM: Attleboro Area Interfaith Service of Thanksgiving: People of all faith traditions are encouraged to attend. Highlighting the connectivity of the Attleboro area, this service is co-led by representatives from a variety of faith communities. The service changes location annually.
- November 11th 8 - 2 PM: Our Holiday Fair! Yay!
- October 15 at 3PM: The book discussion for Braiding Sweetgrass, by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Please contact Andrea Twombly with questions
- Saturday, October 7th from 10 AM - 12 PM: Join us on Saturday, October 7th from 10am-12pm as we host the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless and build ten beds for children in need. Ten teams of four people will each build one bed. All supplies are included. All abilities and ages welcome! Sign up for a team with Pastor Rebecca
- Craft group will be gathering monthly on the second Tuesday from May through October to work on projects for the Fall Fair. The next Craft Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 10th in Fellowship Hall at 6 PM. All are welcome. Please RSVP by Sunday, October 8th to Leslie Driscoll at dmlrd4@aol.com with subject: Craft Meeting so that supplies will be available.
- September 17 at 2 PM: Summer Sing-A-Long - all are welcome to join us in singing your favorite songs from the musical Sound of Music
- School Supplies Drive: This year First Baptist Church & Second Congregational Church are partnering together for a school supplies drive as we anticipate the start of a new school year. Items will be accepted on Sundays through August 13th and given out at the AAIC’s Summer Kid’s Café on August 18th.
- Worshiping Together: All worship services will begin at 9 am. Come join us this summer as First Baptist Church Attleboro and Second Congregational Church worship together. For the month of July, beginning Sunday, July 9th, Rev. Dr. William Sencabaugh will lead worship service for both congregations at First Baptist Church located at 118 S. Main Street, Attleboro. During the month of August, Rev. Rebecca W. Driscoll will lead worship services for both congregations at Second Congregational Church located at 50 Park Street, Attleboro. Looking forward to seeing you there for a time of community worship and fellowship!
- August 27 after worship service: Holiday Fair Meeting held in the parlor after the Service at Second Congregational Church
- June 18 during worship, Wee Read Program
- Saturday, June 3 from 8-10 AM, Church yard clean-up (we'll have things to do inside as well if you prefer that to yard work!)
- May 21st during worship, Wee Read Program: Laura Fisk read A Different Pond by Bao Phi.
- May 20th at 3 PM: Piano Solo Recital: with Manabu Takasawa.
- May 7th, Graduates' Celebration.
- March 19 at Noon in Fellowship Hall (please invite your friends and neighbors): "Wee Read" for all ages. March's book is Sonia Sotomayor. "A judge grows in the Bronx. La juez que crecio en el Bronx." The story of how Sonia Sotomayor became the first Latino to be nominated to the US Supreme Court.
- February 22, 7 PM, Ash Wednesday worship service including the imposition of ashes on the forehead or hand
- February 12: Wee Read - the book, Hidden Figures read at Noon (another book to be read the 3rd Sunday of each month at noon)
- February 12: Valentine's Day Celebration with a potluck dinner immediately following worship service
- January 22: Annual Meeting after worship